Web Auth

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1 Introduction

"Web Auth" brings you below features:

  • "User & Pass Auth": correct username and password are required to access internet. You can use WFilter local accounts service or third party services(Email, LDAP, Radius) for authentication.
  • "Third Party Auth": interface for third party authentication. The authentication logic is done via a third party service. For example: Dingtalk, wechat for business.
  • "Visitor Auth": authentication for non-regular visitors, including "SMS authentication" and "QR code".

Together with other modules, you can:

  • Display usernames for client devices.(Real-time Bandwidth)
  • Record internet activites by username.(Logs & Reports)
  • Set access policy by username.(Access Policy)
  • Query webauth login history.(Accounts)

2 User & Pass Auth

When enabled, clients in the target ip ranges will be required for username and password when browsing webpages.

Faq en webauth002.jpg


  • IP Range: ip ranges to enable "User & Pass Auth".
  • Auth Type
    • "Local Auth": authenticate with username and password of local accounts. This user shall enable "Web" access in Local_Account.
    • "Email Auth": send credentials to a pop/imap email server for authentication.
    • "Ldap Auth": send credentials to a ldap server for authentication.
    • "Radius Auth": send credentials to a remote radius server for authentication.
    • "Local + Email": local authenticate first, if not found, try email authentication.
    • "Local + Ldap": local authenticate first, if not found, try ldap authentication.
    • "Local + Radius": local authenticate first, if not found, try radius authentication.
  • Timeout: re-authentication is required on timeout.
  • No re-authentication required until local accounts expire.

Faq en webauth001.png

3 Third Party Auth

  • Landing page: default landing page after user authentication.
  • Port: listening port of the authentication page.
  • Edit Auth Page: edit content of the authentication page.
  • Bound to a local user: bound the authenticated user to a local user. So you can set policy and get reports of the "third party authed users".

3.1 Dingtalk

When enabled, the clients can login by QR code scanning with dingtalk app.

Faq webauth dingtalk.png

3.2 Wechat for business

When enabled, the clients can login by QR code scanning with business wechat app.

Faq webauth bwechat.png

4 Visitor Auth

4.1 SMS WiFi

When SMS is enabled, users need to input a correct verification code which is received via mobile phone text message. Settings:

  • SMS API URL: web API URL to send SMS.
  • Post Format: the message format POST to SMS web API.
  • Code Length: verification code length.
  • Interval: interval of re-sending verification code.
  • Phone No. black/white list: click "Edit" to setup.

Faq en smswifi001.png

Faq en smswifi002.png

4.2 QR Code

When enabled, a visitor shows a QR code, which needs to be checked by a moderator.

Faq webauth qrcode.png

5 Settings

Faq webauth009.png

  • Redirect: Redirect unauthorized traffic to the web portal.
    • HTTP Only, only redirect HTTP traffic, HTTPS access will be blocked.
    • HTTP and HTTPS: both types traffic will be redirected. Please note: HTTPS authenticate port will be HTTP port plus one. To remove certificate warning, please install the ca certificate in SSL Inspector.
    • HTTPS redirection doesn't work in "pass-by deployment".
  • Mode:
    • If your core switch is three layer and "mac address collector" is not enabled, you need to use "by IP" mode.
    • Otherwise, "by MAC" mode is recommended.
  • MAC White List: mac addresses in this list do not require authentication.
  • Domain Exception: domains in this list can be visited without authentication.
    • IP address, eg:
    • IP segment, eg:
    • Domains, eg: *.google.com, wildcards(*?) are supported.

6 External Links

Personal tools
